FF3300 > FF3300, Input, Output, Pensatoio
States of Design 06: in your face ? Design ? Domus
La storia del design tipografico contemporaneo esalta la figura del designer tipografico.
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Keywords: via facebook
July 22, 2012
silviolorusso > Input
?Television Delivers People?, Richard Serra and Carlota Fay Schoolman (1973)
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Keywords: art, collection, interpretation, mashup, Net, Richard Serra, YouTube
July 22, 2012
Luca De Biase > Input
Mentre la nozione di smart city si accavalla con lo sviluppo impetuoso delle opportunit? offerte dai media digitali per migliorare la vita urbana, sta accelerando la riflessione sulle conseguenze della biologia nell?urbanistica e nell?architettura.
In Living Architecture, un piccolo libro scritto da Rachel Armstrong, si descrivono per esempio le possibili utilizzazioni della tecnologia delle protocellule. Spiega Martin Hanczyc, guardando probabilmente un po? oltre il presente: ?Le protocellule possono essere programmate per contenere diversi tipi di chimica e di metabolismo. Possono consumare o produrre selettivamente in un dato ambiente?.
Per Armstrong questa tecnologia potrebbe servire in diversi ambienti. Per correggere consizioni chimicamente sbilanciate in un ecosistema, per esempio. A Venezia, dice Armstrong, servirebbero per combattere l?effetto del tempo e del mare sugli edifici: non frapponendo una barriera tra la natura e la costruzione ma aggiungendo dinamiche di ricostruzione e rigenerazione dei materiali e rafforzare il terreno sul quale poggiano i palazzi. (Armstrong correttamente avverte che non tutte le conseguenze dell?utilizzo di protocellule nell?ambiente possono essere per adesso ?previste?).
Altri riferimenti:
Citt? intelligenti, Andrea Granelli, Luca Sossella Editore.
Living Architecture Lab, Columbia University
La foto ? tratta da Living Architecture (ma in un senso diverso, non architettura che vive ma architettura da vivere) e mostra la Balancing Barn progettata dall?olandese MVRDV.
Related Posts:
Keywords: architettura, biologia, ecologia, libri, smart city
July 22, 2012
alexkonanykhin > Input
No doubt, companies that want to experience financial growth must evolve and adapt to market changes. However, before devising a strategy or an action plan, the executive team should be informed about present and future situation. What are the technology trends which will shape business in the future? How can we foresee the future economic scenario??
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Keywords: Alex Konanykhin, business trends, digital economy, innovation, Opinion, Sales, social business, Social Customer, Technology, transparentbusiness, Yes
July 22, 2012
Typography Served Featured Projects > Input
A Self-Promotion illustration.
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July 22, 2012
Typography Served Featured Projects > Input
Cr?ation de fonte pour bande dessin?e +++2009
Cr?ation d?une police de caract?res pour la s?rie BD Empowered. L?enjeu ?tait de cr?er une police qui reproduise au maximum le rythme d?un lettrage a la main de BD, normaliser au minimum et garder la vivacit? et l?expression du ??crit ? la main?. Pour ce faire, une s?rie de caract?res alternatifs programm?s sur Fontlab avec Python pour qu?ils s?affichent de mani?re al?atoire lors de la frappe, et que la police soit le plus simple possible d?utilisation pour le graphiste qui r?alisera la mise en page. Donc des ligatures, des variantes contextuelles, des formes positionnelles au sein de la police? Un vrai challenge qui m?a valu un paquet de nuits blanches, mais une grande satisfaction quand enfin ??a marche!?
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July 21, 2012
Jennifer Jones > Input
Here is a perfect example of why you absolutely must do some basic due diligence before inserting your brand into an existing news cycle: A clothing boutique brand saw that "Aurora" was trending on Twitter. They blindly blundered into a firestorm by attempting to make the massacre of innocent people into a post about a dress they sell?
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Keywords: Aurora shooting, Behavior, best practices, Marketing, news, PR Blunder, Public Relations, research, Social Media, Social media blunder, strategy, Twitter, twitter trending topics, Yes
July 21, 2012
Typography Served Featured Projects > Input
Personal lettering exercises and calligraphy experiments
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July 21, 2012
silviolorusso > Input
ScrollTV, a Bookmarklet for Social Media Broadcasting
Finally you can enjoy the spectacle of social media without bothersome interactions, in the fashion of modern, broadcast media.
Infinite scrolling is radically changing the fruition of the internet: while multiple web pages, connected through hyperlinks, determine non-linear paths into the architecture of websites, infinite scrolling defines the experience of browsing as a constant and endless flow from top to bottom. Referring to social media and content aggregation platforms, infinite scrolling fosters a passive, non-interactive and voyeuristic relation to contents, as scrolling the mouse wheel becomes not so much different than turning the crank of a phonograph. ScrollTV radicalizes this behavior providing an interaction-less experience of social media in the fashion of broadcast television. The project is highly inspired by ?Television Delivers People?, a 1973 video by Richard Serra and Carlota Fay Schoolman, in which the passive role of the spectator is revealed through the mode and language of broadcasting media themselves.
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Keywords: art, infinite, Net, Richard Serra, Scroll, Social Media, television, tv
July 21, 2012
DouglasKarr > Input
HootSuite has just added Google+ page integration to its social publishing app. It?s simple, elegant and seamless ? even supporting circles (groups of users you wish to target publishing to). The integration allows you to leverage Hootsuite?s platform with Google+.
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Keywords: google, Hootsuite Google+, Marketing, seo, Social Networks, Tools & Apps, Twitter, Yes
July 21, 2012
Luca De Biase > Input
L?UNODC registra che il fatturato annuo delle organizzazioni criminali transnazionali ? arrivato a 870 miliardi di dollari. Il sito che informa sugli sviluppi di questo enorme fenomeno ? Transnational Organized Crime. Il valore del crimine organizzato transnazionale ? sei volte superiore a quello degli aiuti allo sviluppo globali.
Il traffico di persone ? ancora un enorme business, per esempio. Vale la pena di ricordare la storia del capitalismo ricostruita da Werner Sombart. Le organizzazioni multinazionali, il crimine transnazionale, la finanza speculativa algoritmica, ovviamente, non vanno confusi, ma hanno qualcosa in comune: sono organizzazioni nelle quali la logica del capitale si libera dalle regole statali e politiche. E talvolta ne prende possesso.
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Keywords: perplessit?
July 21, 2012
Source: http://www.ff3300.com/wordpress/input/business-innovation-technology-sets-trends/
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