Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bill Nye 'the Science Guy' Urges Letters To Obama To Restore NASA Budget Cuts

Aaaand now you've demonstrated the complete Republican departure from reality. Did you actually look at the numbers you posted? It is absolutely clear from that list that far more Democrats are willing to vote against the majority of their fellow party members than Republicans are. Let's look at the numbers in terms of percentage of members breaking from the party line:

603: Republicans 6% / Democrats 10%
602: Republicans 0% / Democrats 3%
601: Republicans 4% / Democrats 6%
600: Republicans 5% / Democrats 5%
599: Republicans 3% / Democrats 12%
598: Republicans 1% / Democrats 14%
597: Republicans 2% / Democrats 13%
596: Republicans 1% / Democrats 11%
595: Republicans 0% / Democrats 10%
594: Republicans 3% / Democrats 11%

On average, again just going from your own numbers, Democrats are willing to vote against their party line 10% of the time, Republicans 2%, a fivefold difference, and more than enough to make the difference in a close vote. If even 8% of Republicans were as willing to compromise as their Democratic colleagues are, the country wouldn't be in the mess it's in right now.

Oh yeah, here's the R code in case you want to accuse me of playing games:

# index
rollcall = 603:594

# 1 indicates members voting with party majority, 2 indicates members voting against
r1 = c(215, 227, 215, 218, 222, 225, 224, 227, 228, 222)
r2 = c(13, 0, 10, 11, 7, 3, 4, 2, 0, 6)
d1 = c(162, 173, 171, 172, 161, 157, 159, 162, 164, 162)
d2 = c(19, 6, 11, 10, 21, 25, 23, 20, 18, 20)

# capital letters indicate ratios of members voting against party majority to total part members voting, expressed as percentages
R = 100 * r2 / (r1 + r2)
D = 100 * d2 / (d1 + d2)

# package it up
report = data.frame(rollcall, R, D)

# mean percentages
print(round(colMeans(report[c("R", "D")])))

That should be enough to get you started for running some significance tests if you like.


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