Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Israeli Defence Forces and Hamas trade exchange fire on Gaza ... over Twitter

Israeli Defence Forces and Hamas exchange fire on Gaza ... over Twitter | World news |

Israel's major operation against militants in Gaza provided a running response from the IDF and Hamas's military wing

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The death of Hamas military leader Ahmed al-Jaabari in Gaza has been described by Israel as "the start of a broader operation against Gazan militants" ? and the Israeli Defence Forces' verified Twitter account has been busy providing a running commentary of the campaign.

The official @IDFSpokesperson account tweeted at about 10am ET:

After which came more information from the IDF about the goals of the operation:

Hamas's military wing, the Al-Qassem Brigades, posted its response:

The two sides then traded taunts ?

? which was followed by some serious chest-thumping by the IDF:

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