Monday, September 17, 2012

pelvic inflammatory disease - STDs - MedHelp

You need to find out which organisms are actually causing the problem. Have you had cultures and/or PCR done to check for bacterial vaginosis? The bacteria that can cause BV can also cause PID and have a high recurrance rate. If you can get the doctor to culture for these organisms associated with BV and??PID it may help::
BV: Gardnerlla vaginalis
?????? Mobiluncus species
?????? Atopobium vaginae
?????? Trichomonas vaginalis
?????? Mycoplasma hominis
?????? Ureaplasma urealyticum
?????? E. coli and other gut bacteria.

PID is an infection of the upper Urogenital tract (fallopian tubes, ovaries, edometrium. Other things that cause these organisms to take over or cause infection are change in Ph due to douching,or other changes that cause Ph changes,??having Gonorrhoeae can cause this as well. Usually, an infection with GC can go unnoticed and then you are not treated with the proper antibiotics and then get PID. Also, GC is becoming very resistant and it could be that you were not diagnosed properly and then given the wrong antibiotic.
They need to do an endocervial culture to check for GC and Chlamydia trachomatis as well.

They can treat with broadly acting antibiotics to get rid of all of these organisms. But you need to have the cultures done and /or PCR to find out the root cause.

The problem is the doctors will treat you with the broadly acting antibiotic but if they don't check you for GC and CT and the other organisms I mentioned above then they may not be giving you the right antibiotic.
hope this helps.


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