Sunday, August 26, 2012

Health and Fitness: How Healthy eating helps you live longer ? Live ...

products by Selva Sugunendran

The rise in the number of people developing disorders such as obesity, heart disease and other frightening health ailments is a very alarming trend. As our fast-paced lifestyles and fast-food mentality has us overweight or stressed out, the question iwe ask ourselves is, ?what is the best way for living a healthier and longer life?. Could a healthy and balanced diet spare you from such threatening health problems, and in fact, you can live longer?

cultures, which are known to a healthy diet Lived to live longer

While most people in the Western world continue to struggle with high fat diet and stressed lifestyles, it?s good to know that some cultures and civilizations actually succeeded in living longer. Take for example the Peruvian Indians. Okinawa and some other tribe or indigenous group in Asia and Africa These people lived a plant-based diet, with little meat, or maybe fish and some venison. They were also less exposed to pesticides and have no hormones or antibiotics in growing their livestock. Many of the people who were in these societies recorded to have lived up to a hundred and 20 years old. These people all have one thing in common and that is they all sports regularly and ate a lot of plant food. These people were also known to have eaten herbs and other wild plants. She drank too much water. They did not insist on sodas or regular fatty fast-food diet.

A Low Sodium Diet Helps

The American Health Association notes that a teaspoon of salt contains at least 2,300 milligrams of sodium. The association stresses that people should eat less than 2,300 milligrams of salt per day. Some health analysts claim that a typical meal in the restaurant you can 1,500 and 2,000 mg of sodium, which offer far more than recommended intake of the AHA. Make sure that you can help consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day really in maintaining your health, and you live longer.

Do you drink. Too much water

water is also a very important element when it comes to achieving a healthy lifestyle Water cools the body, the organs and muscles to work efficiently and improves the joints as well. People are mostly made of water, and because the water evaporate in us the tendency we have to consume more of it every day. The average adult is recommended to have at least eight glasses of water a day, and there is sufficient scientific evidence of the fact that drinking a good amount of clean water helps to improve oxygen to the body support, and help to remove toxins and other waste products from your system.

restricting caloric intake can help you live longer

A lot of people in the United States and Canada as well as in Europe and other developing countries, have now the fact that the food helps a discovered nutritious but scrimpy nutrition in living longer and healthier lives. A low-calorie diet was presented by a lot of scientific evidence to be effective you have been in living longer and healthier. In a study done way back in 1935 from Cornell University, laboratory mice, 30 percent fewer calories were fed, were known to live longer by 40 percent compared to the mice that ate as they pleased compared. Since then, a series of experiments on worms, spiders and even yeast cells was carried out, and all gave the same results. Scientists stress that people who follow calorie diets rarely die from age-related diseases such as stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure, and a better brain capacity for decision-making and have motion control.

Lower calorie consumption durability promotes

While it is proven that a calorie diet does wonders when it comes to you is a longer and healthier life, actually no one has figured out why decreased calorie intake and lower metabolic activity helps to longevity promote. One study believes that partially starving the body drives it into a maintenance mode of Art, where she focuses on the preservation of health, and keeps his cell. A calorie-restricted diet is known to reduce the calorie content by more than 30 percent. For example a person is practicing calorie restriction only eat about 1,800 calories a day, which gets 900 calories lower than the average person?s every day. A low-calorie diet typically consists of a breakfast banana, some berries and whole grain breads and low-fat milk shake offers. Lunch can of some fish, fresh garden salads, baked sweet potatoes and lots of vegetables.

Selva Sugunendran a number of books on Health Matters published. Visit the following website to immediately download an extensively researched EBook on multiple health conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. It details the symptoms, treatments available, the interactions as well as the management and control of these diseases: About the Author

Selva Sugunendran has a number of books on Health Matters published. Visit the following website to immediately download an extensively researched EBook on multiple health conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. It details the symptoms, treatments available, the interactions as well as the management and control of these diseases:

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Selva Sugunendran has published a number of books on Health Matters. Visit the following website to immediately download an extensively researched EBook on multiple health conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. It details the symptoms, treatments available, the interactions as well as the management and control of these diseases: http://

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.


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